Instructions: Do whatever you want, but one way to use these cards is a basic three card reading. These cards might be seen as representing past, present and future. Alternatively, they may express different aspects of the situation. Also, the numbers on the cards may vary slightly. Numbers are tricky that way. Deal with it.
1. Cheese Dragon—Cheese of perfect meltiness is ephemeral. Seize the day. Attend to good advice or your advisor will give up and your cheese will harden and be rubbery. Also, timing is important. Don’t jump the gun. The sun rises predictably. May indicate good news on the way.
1. Cheese Dragon—Cheese of perfect meltiness is ephemeral. Seize the day. Attend to good advice or your advisor will give up and your cheese will harden and be rubbery. Also, timing is important. Don’t jump the gun. The sun rises predictably. May indicate good news on the way.
--- Be aware of your own base instincts, both in how they drive you and how
they allow others to drive you. Control also entails balance. Owning your
shadow gives your rational mind a say, so invite your chupacabras to tea, just
don’t let them do the full rock star number on your bathroom. Possible: An
untrustworthy man.
Lulu ---
Keep your wits about you and comport yourself with confidence. Remember that
elegance requires subtlety in some form, though not always the most obvious,
and glamour is spun of illusion. Mind appearances and don’t be taken in by the
appearances others may seek to cast. A situation of great novelty andpotential.
Wicked Witch --- Strive to reach new vistas of understanding. What you can
see from the top of the next peak is not obvious until you’ve climbed it, but
you must, nevertheless, persevere fueled by longing and imagination if you are
to reach heights. Don’t fail for lack of imagination and daring. Someone may be
aiding you without your knowledge.
Kit --- Remember the Sugarland Explorers’ motto: “Be Prepared.” This
applies to all parts of the known and unknown universe and it requires constant
assessment of one’s tools. Adaptability requires the ability to recognize what
is useful and what is not in relation to changing circumstance. An opportunity
for travel may present itself.
Fog--- This is no time to let anyone or anything cloud your vision or
poison your thinking. Don’t let negative emotions cloud your judgement. Don’t
be paranoid. Don’t let anyone poison you. Also, it’s only paranoia if you’re
wrong, so, you know, get ahold of yourself and check. You’re probably wrong, or
this is, but sometimes you just need to put your mind at ease. Either way, call
it due diligence. Consider consulting a neutral party.
Ring--- Keep your mind on the way forward. Obstacles present themselves,
but focusing on the longer-term picture is essential. Think strategy over
tactics. Conversely, make sure that your tactics are in line with your strategy
and stuff. A new business opportunity.
Stand--- Beware of strange obsessions and addictions, as those under their
sway lose perspective. This applies to one’s self and others. Don’t let others
pull you into their schemes without examining them carefully. One could throw
in something about business with relatives, but that’s slightly too simplistic.
People--- Don’t overindulge in hastily acquired crap. Take care of your
health and well-being. Not just your
physical well-being, either. Just because something is offered, doesn’t mean
you must take it. Don’t believe marketing. They really are selling you stuff,
most of which nobody in human history has ever needed.
10. Bob--- Good friends are a treasure. If
you would have loyal and loving friends, then aspire to be the same. Other
side: If you want a friend, be a friend.
There are many layers to the onion. Nothing is as simple as it initially
appears, and the moment you think you know what it is, you come to another
layer. There are many aspects of the situation which you do not yet perceive.
Also, the more we understand, the more we perceive that there is yet to
understand. The known self is but a kernel. Outside of this point of known,
conscious light, there are concentric rings of obscurity. The mysterious world
outside reveals itself through encounter, challenging, affirming and changing
the conscious personality. Yet Jung rightly points out that the inner world
does the same.
12. Honey Badger--- There is tenacity and
there is tenacity. The Honey Badger
lives for the sweet stuff, but must learn to take the stings of outrageously
upset bees. Getting what you want is great, but be sure you understand how much
push-back you are going to encounter. If it’s worth the pain, then suck it up
and claw your way into the hive. Don’t cry about the stings, though. It’s the
cost of gorging yourself on honey.
13. Godzilla Wasp--- Do not let fear rule
your actions. Stay calm in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Sometimes
one must acquiesce to superior force to recover one’s strength. This is not
always a loss, but sometimes a reprieve, a chance to change tactics.
14. Skeleton Girl--- Over-indulgence in
asceticism or self-denial is its own addiction. Examine the role of
self-sacrifice in your life with an eye to balance. Sacrifice is a double-edged
sword requiring clarity to wield wisely.
15. Navigational Mustache--- Take care of
those who are important to you. There may be people in your environment who
depend upon your guidance and example. Also, be critical of those in authority,
not from obstinacy, but as a guard against ideologues.
16. Pear--- A potential for something good,
but only if you act soon. Some opportunities won’t wait. At the same time, make
sure what you think is a sweet reward is not just an impulse buy.
17. Schrodinger’s Cat--- Changing the way
you think can transform a situation by transforming your own understanding of
that situation. For example, having screwed up, discovering the option of
time-travel changes the assessment of the situation. In other words, don’t get
caught in outmoded ways of thinking, but look for new information from
different sources you may not have considered.
18. Chair Ghost--- Remain hopeful. The
situation is not as bad as you might think, so keep your spirits up. There will
soon appear a light at the end of the tunnel.
19. Oblivion Bottle--- The ends sometimes
do justify the means. When your way is blocked, find another solution.
Sometimes one must make compromises to move the situation forward. A friend may
be undermining you.
20. Komodo Dragon--- Be careful what you
wish for because sometimes there are unforeseen consequences. For example,
conjuring a Komodo dragon to get out of doing your math homework might be
effective initially, but inconvenient immediately thereafter. Also, nothing
succeeds like excess, but make sure you’re not overreacting.
21. Alien--- There are others involved in
the situation whose motives are unknown. This is a source of indecision.
22. Marginal Wizard--- Beware deceit in
your midst. Look to the motivations of others in regard to their expressed
intent. Keep your eyes open and ears tuned. Consider engaging a spy of some
description, perhaps.
23. Red Shoe--- The choice you think you
have is illusory. Both options are more or less the same in terms of outcomes.
Transcendence of this dichotomy is suggested.
24. La Luna---Become aware of the tides of
intuition. Learn to trust your own instincts. Listen to the whisperings of your
subconscious. Your sense of the situation is more reliable than many outward
signs would suggest at this time. Keep your own council.
25. Mockingbird--- Idle chatter achieves
nothing. Beware gossipers and blabbermouths. They merely like to stir up
trouble. Also, there may be someone you need to talk to but have been putting
it off.
26. Taco Walker--- You don’t know what
you’ve got ‘til it’s gone. Appreciate what is good and be thankful. Don’t
always focus on the negative. Also, don’t complain about the cooking of
27. Sugar Gnome--- A gruff demeanor can
hide a sensitive interior. Look beyond appearances to the heart and don’t judge
a book by an annoying cover and try not to present an overly aggressive front
yourself. You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
28. Heart--- Love is in the air. Romance is
in your thoughts, or someone in your environment is carrying a torch. This is a good time to examine the lessons that love teaches. Perhaps there
is a deep longing for a romantic ideal, which might be due for a
re-examination. Or perhaps there is a chance for personal renewal through opening one's heart.
29. Doppelganger --- Seeing one’s self,
both light and dark and mastering the contradiction. The Doppelganger implies
that you are either seeing your situation through the mirror of your own
projection in some way, or that you are stubbornly refusing to see your own
part in a fraught situation. Either way, the implication is that your current
situation is an invitation for you to take a careful look at yourself in all of
your dimensions.
30. Nightmare Hag--- Look for someone in
your environment who has motives other than his or her stated intent. Be
careful of trusting someone who may be motivated by jealousy of your successes.
A friendly face may be hiding a creepy motive. Someone may be looking to take
advantage of any setback you might experience. While it is good to have a
trusting nature, not everyone is to be trusted. This could imply that there is
someone who is actively plotting against you or simply that you don’t know
where certain parties stand. Proceed with caution if you don’t know the real
motivations of others.
31. Snipe--- Sometimes when you find what
you are looking for it turns out not to be the thing you sought. Be adaptable
enough to recognize when the situation has shifted. Reconnoiter and reassess.
Sometimes the thing you sought, you were after for the wrong reasons anyway. Or
sometimes it never existed. Recognizing the truth for the unreal is the key.
32. The
Doorknob--- Think about your boundaries. If too permeable, you are prone to
allowing others to take over and take more from you than you should reasonably
give. You don’t help others by letting yourself be consumed by their need, nor
should you close yourself off to others. Relationships should offer good things
for both parties. Think reciprocity.
33. Air Freshener--- There may be a waft of
citrusy freshness coming your way. This could be a bit of welcome news or the
witnessing of a lovely event. Watch for the beauty of the passing moments. Each
one is the universe, born in continuity. We think. It is a good practice to
notice ephemera and seize portential moments.
34. The Spider--- Strategy, tactics and the
careful laying of plans with an eye to the subtlest of details. Good things
come to those who wait patiently while making wise preparations. Craft and
subtlety are indicated.
35. The Bezoar--- Overlooking something.
Whatever it is, you haven’t thought of it, apparently. It might look to lowly
to be important. Or, it may not look like you’d expect it to. Somehow, you’re
not seeing something important because of preconceptions or poor descriptions.
Keep your plans fluid in order to maneuver.
36. Bigfoot--- Appearances are deceptive
and sometimes yours might even be. Comport yourself in harmony with your
environment and your purpose for being there. Sometimes you are not meant to be
the center of attention, thus stepping aside to let others have the spotlight.
Sometimes you must be the one to step into the spotlight and rep the hood, so
to speak.
37. Red Herring --- There is misdirection
at play. Whether by accident or design, there is false information or a
misunderstanding of situation that must be addressed. This thing is likely at
the very crux of the matter, the most important point, seemingly, it may be, in
reality, illusory.
38. Lorgnette --- Look carefully at outside
influences. Whom, beyond the obvious parties, is involved in some way and
perhaps exerting influence in less than obvious ways. Conversely, how might you
seek influence though less direct means?
39. Kubla Khan --- An old friend, or help
from unexpected quarters. Perhaps you’re about to rekindle an old relationship
that will bring great interest to your existence.
40. The Scorpion--- Swift, decisive action
is the best approach to the situation. Sometimes one’s impulses are exactly
correct and stopping to consider is only going to make a mess of what should
have been dealt with speedily.
41. Levitation Lily --- Laughter is
sometimes the best medicine. Apply it liberally to pains and irritations. Don’t
take yourself too seriously. Things are usually more absurd than they seem,
which is saying a lot. Knowing that, however, allows for the inclusion of props
like whoopee cushions. This may also indicate that you should work on your
42. Naked Hot-Headed Ice Borer --- Watch
running off at the mouth. Your criticisms may not have bad intent, but they may
not be welcome or necessary. Pick your battles and don’t make enemies over
43. Horchata --- To uncritically consume
everything that is placed in front of you without proper discernment may have
less than stellar results. Just because someone’s promoting it, doesn’t mean
it’s good for you. Look to what you are consuming and why.
44. Watch --- Time is of the essence. Don’t
be hasty, but don’t delay, either. A stitch in time might save the tree falling
in the woods where the bear does his business. Wake up and smell the passing
cupcakes. Don’t waste time by getting sloppy, either, which is what comes of
haste. Or possibly you're considering permutations of reality in relation to space/time.
45. Herb the Battle Unicorn --- Seek the
aid of someone who has pure motives. There is help coming. Make sure your own
motivations are acceptable to those whose aid you would have.
46. Jackalope --- Vanity is blinding. The
Jackalope is blinded by his belief in his own super-wonderfulness to such an
extent that he is unable to make good judgements about things outside of his
mirror, and thus is blind to the nature of the thing in the mirror as well.
Don’t follow such a creature without careful examination, especially if that
creature is in your own mirror. Accurate
self-assessment is key.
47. Sun --- You have overcome a good deal
and it is time for you to radiate your vitality. Express yourself that you
might radiate joy and warm those around you with your enthusiasm because joy is
infectious. Think about brightening the day of everyone you come in contact
with and embrace your generosity, for what is proffered will return many times
48. The Crown--- Recognition for your
accomplishments. Don’t let your ego get out of hand when things are going well.
Sharing good fortune with those who contributed to your success is important.
49. The Star--- --- Inspiration. Pay
attention to creative urges. They are messages from whence you know not, but
with some interesting intimations regarding the deep and vast. Be open to the
poetic, to art and to beauty in its many forms.
50. Monkey --- Some current idea may prove
to be impractical. That’s okay. Sometimes it’s the wild ideas that get things
rolling. Just be amenable to altering plans to fit the reality situation.
51. Jonas --- Creating more drama for the
sake of creating more drama is childish at best and can lead to bad results.
Watch out for sabotage, intentional or otherwise, by someone acting like a
silly princess. Make sure that person isn’t you.
52. Time Warp ---
While time travel may not be an option, reviewing past experiences to gain new
insight into current ones is. Try that. Looking back can allow one to engage a
new perspective on old actions and, hopefully allow a more informed future.
53. Honeydew --- Things are going well, so
enjoy your current good fortune. Appreciate what you already have and take time
to really enjoy it. Stop to make time for gratitude. It can put current
problems into perspective.
54. Harp---
Dance, sing, listen to music, rejoice. Have a little fun once in a while.
Lighten up and chill. All work and no play is entirely too dull.
55. The Phone --- There’s someone trying to
send you a message, to convey some information which could be of interest to
you, but for some reason the message isn’t getting through. Examine your own
communication skills.
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